Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus. We are not able to complete your assessment without the following items: <> Please forward the requested documents to: <> <> <> If college or Bible school transcripts OR proof of your high school graduation are not received before <>, we must enroll you as a CERTIFICATE STUDENT. At your graduation, you will receive a "Certificate of Completion," instead of a university degree. After the 60-day cut-off date, additional student documents may be submitted. However, any student documents submitted after the deadline will require a $65 Reassessment Fee to reopen your file. (Documents to be added to your assessment for the current academic year must reach Main Campus at least 90 days prior to your graduation date.) If you are having problems obtaining your college transcripts, please send us one of the following as proof of your high school graduation (a photocopy is sufficient) so we can award college credit for your coursework: 1) High school diploma, 2) High school transcript, or; 3) GED Certificate