Congratulations! You have been accepted into the ministry education program of Life Christian University. We pray that God will richly bless you in every way as you continue your preparation for His purposes for your life. As you increase in knowledge and understanding, we believe that God will be able to reveal in greater detail all the wonderful things that He has called, appointed, and anointed you to fulfill. We stand ready to help you in any way that we can, and we will be praying for you regularly. Your assigned student identification number is shown above. Please use this number on all correspondence with our administrative offices or document submissions to your local campus. A formal assessment of your academic standing will be sent to you as soon as we have all of your supporting documents in hand. The formal assessment will show you the degree you will be working toward for your next graduation. In order for us to accurately assess your academic standing all college or Bible school transcripts OR proof of high school graduation must be received within 60 days of acceptance into Life Christian University. If you intend to pursue a degree with LCU, and if you have no college or Bible school transcripts to provide, please submit proof of high school graduation. The following proof of high school graduation are acceptable (a photocopy is sufficient): 1) high school diploma, 2) high school transcript, or 3) G.E.D, so we can award college credit for your coursework. The university will proceed with your assessment 60 days from the date of this letter using the documents that we have received at that time. If college or Bible school transcripts -OR- proof of your high school graduation are not received before the 60-day cut-off we must enroll you as a CERTIFICATE STUDENT. After the 60-day cut-off additional student documents may be submitted, however it will require a $65 Reassessment Fee to reopen your file. (Documents to be added to your assessment for the current academic year must reach Main Campus at least 90 days prior to your graduation date).